
南费城 3室一厅出租,$700/月

2011-04-27 Philadelphia/费城,美国 留言

Availability: End of April 2011
Square foot: 1,024
Tenants pay all utilities.
public transportation available

Newly upgraded three bedrooms with a built in one car garage. new carpet and paint.
The first floor has an enclosed porch front.
clean basement.

Requirement: First month and last month's rent, and one month security deposit.Contact me at 215-917-9304 or 请留言 />

租金: 美元700(月/周)  区域: 南费城   租用种类: 独租

房间: 3    卫生间: 1    入住时间:随时入住  联系人: Haibo   

  1. 程先生

