

2005-08-04 伦敦/London,英国 留言

此房位于东2区,post code:E1 2HL. 交通极便利, 去bus站只有1.5分钟. 大双人房,有25平米左右的样子,房间提供双人床,家具,电视,书桌等,无线2M宽带.附近有超市和OPEN MARKET均不超过2分钟路程.100pounds一周,包BILLS.要求房客干净,安静.Available now. Location: E1 2HL, near shadwell station(DLR) and whitechapel station . Walking 1 minute to bus stop 15 and 115 Etc, very convinent transportation to central london and other areas in london. Shopping: Near open market and supermarket (Iceland & Sainsbury’s), you could buy fresh fruits and food in a cheaper price. Facilities: fitted kitchen, good central heating, fully furnished all necessary facilities available. Living: share the flat with study hard & honest students. It is a very quite and clean place for living and studying.

租金: 英镑216(月/周)  区域: e1 2hl   租用种类: 独租

房间: 3    卫生间: 1    入住时间:随时入住  联系人: david   

