
伦敦 东南 ABBEY WOOD, “格林威治” 附近 双人间

2005-07-25 伦敦/London,英国 留言

London, Abbey wood SW2 Zone 4

One upstairs good sized double room in a very beautiful newly refurbished three bedroom house (Quiet place), situated within 5 minutes of Abbey Wood train station, 20 minutes to London Bridge, 15 minutes to Maze Hil/ Greenwich station. Accommodation comprises of lounge, dining room, a new bathroom suite (incl. Power shower). Benefits included wooden flooring, fully fitted kitchen with appliances (new gas cooker, big fridge, dishwasher, washing machine, microwave). Broadband Internet and telephone are also available. The room can be furnished with a double sized bed or two singles, study desk, Wardrobe. Downstairs contains lovely sofa, dinning table and chairs. And also a medium sized Garden is in the rear.

The room is ready for a couple/ two people from 28th July and suitable for students studying/ professionals working in London Bridge/ Greenwich / Woolwich areas. The travel tickets are also very cheap.

Price: ( 355 PCM / 82 PW ) share bills Negotiable if making a long-term
Only living with another two lovely easy going ACCA student (one male + female)
The person will be quiet and tidy

Viewing is warmly welcome, first come you will take it.

Please contact: Steve
E-Mail 请留言 for further information

伦敦 东南 Abbey wood, “格林威治” 附近

在离Abbey Wood火车站5分钟路程, 一栋非常漂亮而且才重新装修过的两层楼House, 上层有一双人间出租. 此地点到London Bridge 火车站只要20分钟, Maze Hill/Greenwich火车站(格林威治大学) 15分钟.

此房全用木地板装修, 一楼有拉通式的客厅和用餐房(包含: 漂亮的沙发, 饭桌, 椅子); 全新宽敞现代化厨房(包含: 全新大电冰箱, 煤气炉, 烤箱, 洗碗机, 洗衣机, 微波炉.); 洗澡间有强力淋浴. 同时还有一个中等大小的后花园. 楼上是3间 卧室, 整栋房子只住4个人. 现有两个非常容易相处的ACCA学生入住.

此房间可住2人, 提供双人床或者2个单人床 同时还配备写字台, 衣柜, 椅子. 本月28号即可入住. 适合在London Bridge, Greenwich, Woolwich 一带学习或工作的朋友. 另外, 从这里去London Bridge 方向的车票也非常的便宜. 同时可上网(宽带)+电话. 此外,这代的环境是非常好的,5分钟路程开外,就是一个非常大的公园。

绝对是物有所值, 欢迎看房, 第一眼看见, 绝对爱不释手.

价格: (355 磅每月/ 82 磅每周) Bill 平摊
如果愿意长时间住下, 价格可以协商, 我门不是二房东, 只是找人平摊下房费, 价格不会变化太多。 谢谢。

请有意向的朋友联系: Steve (有图片)
E-mail 请留言


租金: 英镑355(月/周)  区域: 东4   租用种类: 独租

房间: 3    卫生间: 1    入住时间:2005-07-28    

