短租公寓的特点: 黄金地段:-尽显珠江新岸公寓带来的生活便利-西餐厅、肯德基、大娘水饺、潮州饭店、川湘菜馆一切尽在周围,为您的生活带来无尽的乐趣。还有一线江景,体验尊贵。 设施齐全:电话、宽带、豪华床、冰箱、29寸彩电、洗衣机、空调、24小时热水、沙发茶几、橱具、衣柜、全套高级床上用品高级洗浴用品免费使用,每天房间卫生清洁,房间免费送餐服务、洗衣、订票等酒店式服务。租一天、几周、几个月都可以。
Dear Sir, we would like to find apartment in Guangzhou near Sun Yat Sen University in north gate because we have plan to go to study in their. my condition which would like to walk from apartment to go to university directly. so, could you please serve my condition by fine nice apartment near my university with budget around 2000-2500 RMB per month. wish to get your reply in soon. thank you and Best Regard, Pitchaya