Room Wanted:MELBOURNE 墨爾本 靠近CBD......

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Sherman 2012-09-12  澳大利亚
Hey I got a double room apartment right opposite the university of Melbourne, 15 mins walk to Melbourne central. 600 per month per person, including everything.
Chan 2012-08-31  澳大利亚
I have one unit in box hill and one room available in north Melbourne which close to cbd or melb uni. Please contact if u interest
susan 2012-08-25  澳大利亚
box hill centre bright room for rent. $130.00/week 500 gb internet with 2 room mates only.
xi 2012-08-25  澳大利亚
2 rooms in boxhill north.2 stops buses to boxhill centre. contact for details, thx.

留言: Room Wanted:MELBOURNE 墨爾本 靠近CBD......

m looking for rooms, like double room or any single room in Mel.
Please drop me email directly with room details and any transportation details. Thank you.
PS. pls don't drop me msg. Be remember send me email reg2yao gmail com Thank you.......
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