价格:shanghai advanced apartment rent
shanghai advanced apartment rent
房屋出租 $2500.00
- 房源编号: #97671
- 周租金:$2500.00
- 入住时间: 2010-08-09
房屋出租 招有诚意者 工作稳定 有着现代人的思想 行为 国籍不限 爱护小动物 健谈或者性格无障碍 好相处的人 大房间2500 加保姆和宽带费500
小房间2000 加保姆和宽带费500
now have a high classic apartment for room share, if you have nice job,popular and modern mind ,love animals ,talkative,or nice personality .ps:the big room is 2500 rmb and the small room is 2000 rmb ,internet and nanny will cost you 500 rmb one month
mobile: 13818482439
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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- 电话:
- 联系人:kigo cheng