房屋出租 $2500.00
- 房源编号: #59465
- 周租金:$2500.00
- 入住时间: 2009-04-01
09春季广交会短租新港西路赤岗丽园雅庭 电话:13902954823 QQ:319861664 http://gz.focus.cn/votehouse/4380.html九十平方,全新豪华装修公寓,家具家电齐,免费宽带,可加床,可住4--8人。两房带20平私家大阳台,花园靓景。多路公车,2号线三站地铁直通琶洲会展中心;3号线三站地铁直通天河,交通便利。附近有大型超市,各类餐厅,生活便利。租时间长价格可下降面议2500/期。6000/月
Brand new apartment, brand new furniture and facilities. 2 rooms, pefect location,10mins to metro (3 stops to PaZhou and Tian He), 5mins to bus station.
The apartment has a tv set in living room, one fridge, water boiler, gas oven, washing machine, air conditioner in each room, and all the furnitures you need. There are 2 rooms, it has study desk and book shelf; one big room with bed, wardrobe,sofa; one main room with bathroom has a double size bed, wardrobe, dresser,sofa. There are two bathrooms in the apartment. The living room is bright, has sofa, dining table and chairs
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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- 电话:
- 联系人:刘先生
- 下一篇:出租广州天河北龙口西豪华公寓帝景苑4房一厅二卫浴
- 上一篇:广州南粤居短租公寓