价格:Southgate Court Apartment-1, 长租$550, 短租$600
Southgate Court Apartment-1, 长租$550, 短租$600
房屋出租 $550.00
- 房源编号: #199271
- 所在区域: 5205 110 St NW Apt-1, Edmonton, AB T6H3C9
- 附近学校: U of A, MacEwan, NAIT, Harry Ainlay High School
- 租客要求: 不养宠物,不吸烟,单身人士,正职人士
- 周租金:$550.00
- 租金包含: 暖气,水费,电费,煤气,网络
- 出租方式: 单间,可短租,暑期短租
Dear 租客/tenant,
Long term renting is $550/ every month, and short term renting is $600/ every month. The rent includes everything, such as water, electricity, Internet access, heat. The room is avaliable now on April, 05, 2019. For this month of April, I will not charge you the full rent if you move in the middle of the month.
For this month of April, rent of April $550 divided by 30, and then time how many day you actually live here. Please feel free to call my phone at 780-994-6033 or Email me at sonnyke51@hotmail.com.
Alexander K. Ma
长租是 $550 每个月, 短租是$600 每个月. 房租包括水,电,上网,暖气。房间已经可以入住 at April, 05, 2019. 如果你是四月期间搬进来,我可以收 四月房租/30 天 乘以 你在住的天数。 如果你有兴趣请打我电话 780-994-6033 或电邮我 sonnyke51@hotmail.com.
Alexander K. Ma Kitchen.JPG
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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- 电话:
- 联系人:马光华
- 地址:5205 110 St NW Apt-1