房屋出租 $3250.00
- 房源编号: #197841
- 所在区域: Hoi To Court, 275 Gloucester Rd, Causeway Bay
- 附近学校: 香港大学,中文大学
- 租客要求: 不养宠物,不吸烟
- 周租金:$3250.00
- 租金包含: 无线电视,水费,电费,煤气,网络
- 出租方式: 单间,独立卫生间
- 入住时间: 2019-03-01
Rent $13000HKD. 28 days from the rental, you can stay in the near future.
Near Causeway Bay subway station, convenient transportation. Near SOGO, shopping is super convenient.
There is a large supermarket in Wellcome nearby, which is convenient for living.
Air conditioning in the room, refrigerator, microwave, safe, mobile hangers, large closet, separate large bathroom, with windows. There is a laundry shop nearby and the laundry is super convenient. There is a restaurant nearby.
Life and transportation are convenient. Just rent, all other expenses are all inclusive.
Package repair, once a week cleaning service.
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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- 电话:
- 联系人:Savi