价格:oak park, Melbourne North -room to rent
oak park, Melbourne North -room to rent
房屋出租 $130.00
- 房源编号: #191146
- 所在区域: 36 Grevillia road, OAK PARK
- 附近学校: easy to go to the city
- 租客要求: 不养宠物,不吸烟
- 周租金:$130.00
- 租金包含: 暖气,无线电视,水费,电费,煤气,网络
- 出租方式: 单间
- 入住时间: 2017-03-27
36 Grevillia road, OAK PARK出租,靠近easy to go to the city,附近公交本文链接:http://www.move2rent.com/house/show-191146.html
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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- 电话:
- 联系人:dan lu