价格:Need accommodation close to Garden Point,QUT,100AU$/week
Need accommodation close to Garden Point,QUT,100AU$/week
房屋出租 $400.00
- 房源编号: #18636
- 周租金:$400.00
- 入住时间: 2006-10-10
本人,男,来自上海华东政法学院,将于十月初到QUT攻读法学博士学位,现求租住房,合租或独租均可。要求:靠近QUT的Gardens Point校区,或者到该校区交通方便即可。租金在每周100澳元左右。有意者请给我邮件。
Sampsung, Male, from east china universit of politics and law to study for Ph.D.(law) in QUT from Qct. this year, is looking for a room or house which is close to Garden Point campus of QUT or with good transportation network to the campus. The rent is expected to be about 100 AU$ per week. Please give me email.