价格:Bayswater North3房出租
Bayswater North3房出租
房屋出租 $150.00
- 房源编号: #184182
- 所在区域: Bayswater North
- 附近公交: 火车,公交车
- 租客要求: 无宠物,不吸烟,不限男女
- 周租金:$150.00
- 租金包含: 暖气,无线电视,水费,电费,煤气,网络
- 室内布局: 别墅
- 出租方式: 一房
- 入住时间: 2016-04-27
Room1= queen size大房带有入墙式的衣柜,我们标配了双人大床和一张电脑桌及书架
Room2 = 标房带有入墙式的衣柜,标配有大单人床(可拉出成双人的)和电脑桌及书架Room3=单人房带有式的衣柜,标配有大单人床和电脑桌及书架
届时住满会有5个人(看情况而定),目前另外二间房我们夫妻占用着。该1000平的house房子面积就有近300平,所以除了空间大还是空间大。铺满瓷砖的进口处连接正式客厅,巨大宽敞明亮的家庭起居室,精美厨房带全套不锈钢高档厨具,岛式操作台方便早餐使用。另有分体式空调可提供暖气和冷气,中央煤气地暖设备。室外低维护后院设有铺满地砖的娱乐区,宽阔后花园带多个储物间,儿童娱乐屋。位处便捷地段,坐落于安静街区,邻里友善。靠 近商店、公交和公园,近多所名校,如Our Lady of Lourdes School, Aquinas college, Tintern Girls/Southwood Boy’s Grammar和St Andrews Christian College。近Eastland购物中心、Costco和 三个火车站,开车五分钟至Eastlink可直达市中心、Yarra Valley或Frankston海滩。
如果您正在寻找宽敞家庭住宅,并可欣赏一年四季美景,请务必移步来参观这栋精美的家庭住宅,一定让您感到惊喜!价格便宜并且空间也大。在这个新的大房内设备齐全,家私配套。除了便宜的价格外那宽大的空间会让你感觉舒畅,同时你也不必忌讳怕弄脏“地毯”或有螨虫,因为整个屋子都是地砖的。希望你会喜欢我们的新家也愿意与我们共处。At our lovely home that located in bayswater north, within another living zone of the house we have 1 spare rooms for rent.
The rooms are spacious, with your own bathroom and toilet to share and huge living room, dinning room and kitchen to enjoy more. We also have a backyard, front yard for parking and a shed to store any extra stuff you have. If you\'re tidy and respectful, then this is the place for you. We are close to the Bayswater train station and a bus route on the main road (Canterburry). Coles and Safeway are near the train station. If you drive, Eastland, Costco, Knox Westfiled and other shops are within range (10 minutes). We are looking for someone to share with us and our room mate, who is tidy, respectful and will clean after themselves.
All we ask is for a month rent as bond and a photo id. Contact Victor 0403462634 or Pansy 0413349905 for any other questions.
Room 1 - double bed plus study table and bookcases and 2 door BIW($150/pw = $650/pminclud all bills- Vacant room \'current housemate due to company moved location, so he needs to somewher close. He have been live with us for 2 more years\')
Room 2 - double bed plus study table and bookcases and 2 door BIW ($147/pw = $640/pm includ all bills- male housemate lived with us over 1 years)Room 3 - double single bed plus study table and bookcases and 2 doorBIW($140/pw = $605/pm includ all bills - male housemate lived with us over 1 years)
Check google map to found the actual location will be easy for you before arrange inspection.
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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- 电话:
- 联系人:Pansy