价格:LONDON 交通方便的单人间/single room wanted
LONDON 交通方便的单人间/single room wanted
房屋出租 $350.00
- 房源编号: #18362
- 周租金:$350.00
- 入住时间: 2006-08-12
本人欲求租伦敦2,3区靠近地铁站的单人间,方便达MOORGATE 或OLD STREET 可SHARE HOUSE 或FLAT, 安静,卫生,安全,一个人长期稳定居住. 房价约 300-350/月,包BILL和宽带. (如地理位置和条件非常好,价格可依实际情况商量). 室友可为全职学生或职业人士.
I'd like to rent a single room in a shared house/flat where is easy to reach Moorgate or Old Street. The location will be quiet, clean and safe. I will rent for a long term basis. The rent will be around 300-350pounds per month including bills and internet. (if the location and condition of the house is very good, the price can be negociated).Ideal housemates will be full-time students or professionals.
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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- 电话:
- 联系人:Irina