价格:1 room in Blackburn for Rent
1 room in Blackburn for Rent
房屋出租 $650.00
- 房源编号: #180770
- 周租金:$650.00
- 入住时间: 2015-11-16
性别要求: 男女不限
配套设施: 包宽带,床,冰箱,洗衣机,家俱
房屋户型: 2室1厅1卫2阳台
房屋租金: $650/month exclude bills
联 系 人: William
联系电话: 0425539668
微信: wangwilliam1979
详细介绍: I have a good room to be rented, Looking for a decent, polite, respect personality housemate best Student or working at the area.
Drive to Blackburn station takes about 5-8 minutes. Bus just a front of the house.
Please feel free to give me a call 0425539668
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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- 电话:
- 联系人:William