价格:Edmonton bedroom
Edmonton bedroom
房屋出租 $550.00
- 房源编号: #172381
- 周租金:$550.00
The downtown area, high building the two bed room for rent to neat and cleaning .There are pretty bedroom rental Edmonton Southwest, water, electricity, Internet all-inclusive. $550 / month. 10 minutes to the subway station centrery Park, 20 minutes to the university. Convenient transportation. Interested parties please contact, phone 7802244333 or yypann@gmail.c om 现有房靓房,出租,干净、整齐,10分钟去地铁站,20分钟到大学,交通方便,门口公共车站。租:550/月,杂费全包。烟宠者免问,可以长租。有意者请电:001-7802244333
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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- 联系人:Mrs.YU