房屋出租 $3700.00
- 房源编号: #16854
- 周租金:$3700.00
- 入住时间: 2010-08-10
地址位于苏州工业园区中央商贸区,国际大厦( 原园区管委会)对面,系园高档写字楼,毗邻金鸡湖(步行5分钟路程),附近有苏州工业园区世纪金融大厦大型超市(欧尚),餐饮娱乐设施齐全。出租写字楼面积74平方米,四层,租金53元/平方米(不含税),物业管理一流,大厦内现有香港汇丰银行,渣打银行,工商银行等大量外资及国内知名企业公司入租,商机无限.
Century Financial Tower
No 1 SuHua Road, SIP Suzhou.
Located in CBD of Suzhou Industrial Park,in the opposite international Mansion and close to the JinJi Lake (5 minutes walk distance), Shopping,Restaurants, supermarket & Entertainment within Minutes from the building. Room in 4th floor, 75㎡, 50yuan/per month/㎡(taxes not included),contact:13806204743, E-mail:shiyimincn@sina.com
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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- 联系人:shiyimin
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