价格:Looking for A Room in An Studio/Apartment/House (from early August)
Looking for A Room in An Studio/Apartment/House (from early August)
房屋出租 面议
- 房源编号: #16257
- 周租金:面议
- 入住时间: 2006-08-10
Male Chinese USC student is looking for a room in a Studio/Apartment/House around USC's university park campus. Living room or private bedroom are both ok. I can live with guys and girls. The lease will start from Early August. The rent and utility should be less than $500/month. Clean, responsible and easy going. Cooking needed.
Please email me the following details if you are interested. Thank you.
1. Rent
2. Utility fee
3. Location
4. Photo of the room is preferred.
5. laundry facilities, air conditioner, stove, cable, Internet available?
6. security
Email: billhao@gmail.com