价格:I need a flat
I need a flat
房屋出租 $100.00
- 房源编号: #16050
- 周租金:$100.00
- 入住时间: 2006-06-23
本人18岁,北京,女。先读Adeladie university.我希望找到一个包家具(衣柜,台灯,写字台,床。。),水电费,*宽带,电话线的屋子。房租80-100,离city坐车不要超过20分钟。如果看房后满意的话打算6月23入住。如果有合适的房子,请把地址以及您的联系方式发到我的邮件上。谢谢!
I need a flat,in must include all the electricity & water fee,furniture,broadband and telephone line.I hope it near the city,if i take the bus,no more than 20min.the rent is 80-100.If you have the unit suit for me ,please write the address send it to my email address.Thanks
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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