价格:卡迪好房招租 Khatib MRT common room
卡迪好房招租 Khatib MRT common room
房屋出租 $700.00
- 房源编号: #146325
- 周租金:$700.00
- 入住时间: 2013-02-15
出租普通房,招2人,2月可迁。包水电网,可选择有无冷气。内有2单人床、床垫、风扇、冷气、桌椅、柜子……洗衣机、冰箱、热水器可共用。可煮食,需清理。5分钟步行到卡迪,近Khatib Central,有昇松、NTUC、Shop n Save、3-4个咖啡店、诊所、商店、McDonalds、CC、游泳池、KTPH、YishunPoliclinic、Northpoint...一层4户人家,左邻右舍非常安静,走下楼1分钟是车站。巴士去机场、市区、Sengkang、NYP等等都很方便。欢迎学生或工作人士。无中介费,速电接洽:83368171/85098515
C/room with 2 single beds, tables and cupboard. 5 mins walk to Khatib MRT, Chinese owner. Prefer professional or students, 2 pax. Rental includes PUB & WIFI, can stay with or without A/C. 1min to bus stop, buses going to town, airport, NYP, Sengkang, Tampines, Woodlands, etc. Near amenities, swimming pool, KTPH, Yishun Policlinic, Northpoint, SAFRA, Seng Siong, 24hr NTUC, Shop n Save, 3-4 eating house, CC, Yishun park,etc. Cooking is allowed! Washing machine, fridge, water heater share usage. Very convenient and quiet. NO AGENT
FEE! Hurry call 83368171/ 85098515 for viewing.
墨尔本退房清洁,洗地毯 联系电话:0452202757 0420234186
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