价格:Norths strathfield 2bed 2.5barth penthouse
Norths strathfield 2bed 2.5barth penthouse
房屋出租 $560.00
- 房源编号: #138714
- 周租金:$560.00
- 入住时间: 2012-09-03
舒适,安静得环境 交通十分便捷(6分钟火车站) 非常适合mq, city,周边的学生与工作人士
顶层,复式全砖,2房2.5卫,每个房间都有自己的衣橱,都有自己的阳台,客厅有阳台,开放式楼顶有奥林匹克景色。其中一个房间是master room.
离各类设施近。有fitness first, super market, harris farm, 各类餐馆。
No Pet, No smoking.
Looking for people clean and tidy, quiet.
Max 4 people for the apartment.
$560 weekly, Nego if long term. Furniture included as 冰箱,洗衣机,干衣机,dinning tables,烤炉,微波炉,gas cooking。
Not included bill (electricity, gas, internet, etc.)
3/9/12 available
Email: zmczfz@gmail.com
Phone: 0416466631