

2010-05-20 上海,中国 留言

上海世纪时空酒店式公寓是独幢新建五星标准服务公寓,市中心CBD无可比拟黄金地段位于113/45/20/地铁二号和七号线静安寺站 该服务公寓价格实惠经济 环境典雅.。
5—15分钟的步行:静安寺地铁,城市航站楼,南京西路高档商务圈,如:横隆广场,中信泰福广场,嘉里中心,中欣大厦,九百城市广场等。 10—15分钟的车程: 人民广场,上海博物馆,上海大剧院,上海城市归划馆等景点。 15—20分钟的车程; 外滩,黄浦江观光隧道,浦江游览,愚园观光购物中心,淮海路商圈,衡山路与陕西路购物街,虹桥商业区,上海世贸商城,浦东陆家嘴金融区,第一八百伴,东方明珠电视塔,徐家汇商圈,八万人体育中心,宜家家居(IKEA)上海店。
Century Times Service Apartment Shanghai is located at Jing'an Temple station of bus 113/45/20/Metro Line 2. The price of this Service Apartment is of good value for the expense, and has very elegant environment.
5--15mins walk: Jing'an Temple Metro Line 2, City terminal, Nanjing W Rd. Business Zone, ex: Plaza 66, Citic Square, Kerry Center, United Plaza, 900 Town Square etc. 10--15mins by car: People's square, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Theatre, Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center etc. 15--20mins by car: The Bund, Huangpu River Sightseeing Tunnel, Huangpu River Tour, Yu Yuan, Huaihai Rd. Business Zone, Hengshan Rd/Shanxi Rd. shopping street, Hongqiao Business Area, Shanghai Mart, Pudong Lujiazui Financial Center, Next Age Mall, Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Xujiahui Area, Shanghai Stadium, IKEA.


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