

2008-04-20 北京,中国 留言

租金:228/天 月租价格:5500元/月 (奥运期间价格:电话咨询:01083278168 13718758876) 联系人:王先生
地铁线路:地铁2.5号 崇文门或瓷器口站
公交线路:23,57 广渠门站
公寓拥有布置温馨的标准间,双人大床,特惠房等各类房间20多套,为您提供24小时热水淋浴,空调.电视 电话和免费的宽带上网,认您在"温馨.干净"的房间内感受世界的变化,房间的每个房间都标准的精装修,并[配备进口的厨房设备,让您以低于酒店的价格,享受家的温馨及便利.体验自助服务的乐趣.公寓位于崇文区繁华地段,交通便利,在崇文区商业区的辐射地段,距离北京站,国贸,CBD商业区仅1.5公里,周边购物有北京新世界商场,方庄家乐福,等大型购物中心,周边旅游景点居多,有王府井.天坛,天安门,明城墙遗址公园,龙潭湖公园等等.无论您是出差还是来京旅游,这里都是您的最佳选择,
您也可以登陆我们的网站:www.yuanxinbj.cn 查看更多房间.我们热情欢迎您的光临.
Plot name or address: Eastern wealth
house type: Hotel type apartment
repair degree: Fine repair
shortest lease: One day rents
the rent: 228/day monthly rent price: 5500 Yuan/months (Olympic Games period price: Telephone consultation: 01083278168)
the room explained that,Standard width one room apartment
area: 55
Necessary facility: The cable TV, the refrigerator, the washer, the air conditioning, the water heater, the wide band, the kitchen facility, on the bed the thing, protects the bath thing, the parking spot
subway line: Subway 2.5th Chongwenmen or chinaware mouth station
public transportation line: 23,57 Guanqumen stations
The apartment has the arrangement during warm standard, the two person big bed, the preference room and so on each kind of room more than 20 sets, provide 24 hours hot water for you to shower, air conditioning. The videophone and the free wide band surfer, recognize you to be warm in ". The clean " room inner sense the world change, the room each room all standard fine repair, and [provides the import the kitchen equipment, lets you be lower than the hotel the price, enjoys family's warmth and the inconvenience. Experience self-service service pleasure. The apartment is located the Chongwen district lively land sector,The transportation is convenient, in the Chongwen district business district radiation land sector, is away from the Beijing station, the country trade, the CBD business district only 1.5 kilometers, the peripheral shopping has the Beijing new world market, the side banker happy luck, and so on the large-scale shopping center, the peripheral scenic site majority, has Wangfujing. Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen, bright city wall ruins park, Longtan lake park and so on. Regardless of you are the business trip or come the Beijing traveling, here all is your best choice.

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