

2014-02-24 深圳,中国 留言

Shenzhen hotel,shenzhen midcentury hotel,shenzhen guesthouse
zsj.cn标准四星级酒店标准装修的中世纪短租公寓面向来深圳的商务出差、中短期工作、探亲访友、旅游渡假的深圳家园,为外地来深及深圳本地的朋友提供一个最温馨、最雅致之家,拎包即可入住。Phone & Fax: 0755-33353736
Email: M 请留言 QQ:372953088
☆装修: 35-55m2,木地板,豪华双人床,床上用品,床头柜,衣柜,衣镜,写字台,厨房,自然采光卫生间,24小时热水等设施。
☆配套: 银行,游泳池,麦当劳,超市。
☆安全: 花园小区,公寓内外专业保安 24h执勤,凭门禁磁卡出入。
☆方便: 深圳各高速公路到此处不经过红绿灯,电话联系后,我们派专人在花园门口恭候您的光临!
☆卫生: 专业卫生人员打理,每次入住所有物品都经严格清洗消毒。
☆省钱: 媲美豪华宾馆精装修,新世纪是中国人的世纪 中世纪酒店式短租公寓欢迎您!
Discount price only CNY160-218/day;
detail in http://www.zsj.cn
☆Location: Aiguo road, near Donghu lakePark, Luohu District,detail in map. It has 26 floors, our apartment in 5 floor,B unit.
☆Decorate equate to 4-star hotel, architect design works, wonderful living enviroment to successful peaple persuiting the highest level of live.
☆international residential garden, people came from different country living here!
☆Facility: Large bed air condition, TV, free Internet, Refregerator, kitchen with oven ,24h hot water bath, washer;
☆Access to: 9km Train station,10 min drive; 5km Dongmen commercer center; 7km Midcentury café house, very convinient to pass in and out of Hongkong.
☆Surrounding: Garden,Swimmingpool, Shenzhen Donghu lakePark, gymnasium, Supermarket, Bank,Mcdonalds;
☆Shopping:5km to Dongmen commercer center 10mini Taxi;1km away from the biggest Asia jewels market.
☆Clean: Cleaning/sanitizing is effectively supervised by a person to whom that duty is assigned.
☆Safety: On campus security guards provide 24-hour monitor
Reservation VIA phone & Fax & Email or Midcentury café club
☆ Door to door pick up appointment after reservation
Address: 5Floor B unit,Taining Garden,Aiguo Road,Luohu District

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  1. 張斯韻

