朋友们你们好,本人从国内带回货真价实玉件,各位爱好玉首饰的朋友们有兴趣的话请留言,价格便宜,只为薄利多销。Authentic chinese green and white jade jewellery bracelates,earings and necklaces of various qualities, sizes and styles.price are various, start from $20...... 阅读全文
朋友们你们好,本人从国内带回货真价实玉件,各位爱好玉首饰的朋友们有兴趣的话请留言,价格便宜,只为薄利多销。Authentic chinese green and white jade jewellery bracelates,earings and necklaces of various qualities, sizes and styles.price are various, start from $20...... 阅读全文
Authentic chinese green and white jade jewellery bracelates,earings and necklaces of various qualities, sizes and styles.price are various, start from $20 阅读全文