墨尔本一站式留学生服务 免费提供留学咨询, 课程选择及报名(语言及各类移民课程),转学,转签服务, 并提供补习.假期行李寄存.机场接送.住房.搬家及各项支援服务. 电杨先生: 03-92660879 or 0450-741988 Email Please leave you message ... 阅读全文
hi, South Melbourne Delivery Driver, if you have your own car, $4.5 per delivery, if you don\\\'t have a car and still wanna apply the job, we will give you a car to drive, $8-$12 per hour and you need to do some kitchen works. Thanks. Please send your resume to Please leave you message, and leave your phone number. Thanks....... 阅读全文
日语家教 本人正规日语专业毕业,曾在日本工作三年,多年在日资企业从事翻译工作,日语听说读写能力强,有交强的教学能力,善于跟学生沟通,采用快乐教学方式,让你在快乐中学会日语。能用中文和英文教学,可上门服务,收费合理,$20-25/小时,有意者请联系Crystal ,电话:0430 097 168。Msn Please leave you message ... 阅读全文
昆士兰的阳光、悉尼的海滩、塔斯马尼亚的古树、墨尔本的神秘教堂、北领地的土著人、还有向你敞开的知识大门......这就是澳大利亚,一个年轻、自由、富饶的国土,在这里你可以build your future... 来自190个国家的370,000名学生在澳大利亚进行大学、职业培训、英语教育和中学的学习。在校大学生中有20%为海外学生,也有许多海外学生选择职业培训学院。澳大利亚已成为母语为英语国家的第三大留学目的地,澳洲政府每年投资几十亿澳元...... 阅读全文
RMIT网上论坛欢迎您,My RMIT, RMIT大学网上的家 http://www.myrmit.com/ 阅读全文
Do you want to achieve a high VCE enter score for your favorite course in university? If your answer is YES, come to see us. We are a group of graduates from Melbourne University with our original VCE enter scores ranging from 96 to 99+, and English is our first language. All of our tutors are well experienced in tutoring for years. We are tutoring in nearly all subjects, but our...... 阅读全文
教授各种咖啡制作以及调酒培训。咖啡熟手指导,提供实习机会,增加工作经验。学成后可以去咖啡店酒吧工作,有望拿高工资,可提高英文,认识更多的朋友。 地址:City myer对面,bourke st,stop 5, 麦当劳边上的bistro & bar 联系电话:0402526012 ... 阅读全文
Live in southbank. Fromm hk violin teacher. from 15-20 per hour. Good violin skill. anytime is ok please contect 0412449539 阅读全文
Violin teacher that from hk. $15-20 per hrs. well known of violin Live at southbank. 阅读全文
拥有各类VCE补习书籍,著名出版社出版例如Neap the school of excellence checkpoint以及澳洲知名补习社历年出的VCE毕业考试仿真模拟题数学 化学 物理 ESL等科目均有 提供廉价课业补习指导 本人现在MELBOURNE UNI就读COMMERCE 有意者请加QQ 179727057或MSN Please leave you message 价格绝对便宜... 阅读全文