(0403065299 3G) IKEA single bed plus bed base and a foam mattress only for 80 plus a free spring mattress! (Just one year old) http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/03777/ http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/70021626 http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/30145775 Drawer for 20 only http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/20099830 TV cabinet for $25 only http://...... 阅读全文
现有一床(带床垫),床头柜出售。床为QUEEN SIZE,白色。与床头柜配套。 原价:床189 床垫199 床头柜79 现以低价出售 联系电话:0432022657(VICKY) QQ:230420978... 阅读全文
IKEA Stuff for Sale Sam 0403065299 3G IKEA single bed plus bed base and a foam mattress only for 80 plus a free spring mattress! (Just one year old) http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/03777/ http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/70021626 http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/30145775 Drawer for 20 only http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/20099830 ...... 阅读全文
9成新5升LG洗衣机$300,新地毯$20(QUEEN SIZE-BED 的尺寸), 9成新51CM-TCL彩电(Flat screen)代遥控器$100,2张书桌$20 电话:0431633282 阅读全文
求购一21'以上的电视机,GOOD CONDITION,有直接的DVD插口和遥控器,价格实惠,请发照片到 Please leave you message. Thanks alot. 阅读全文
家具家电甩卖 都很新 基本全新书桌一张(带锁三个抽屉) 60刀 落地灯 10刀 两个暖气 15刀/个 电脑控制电饭煲:20 四格储衣柜 20 联系方式 Please leave you message 0433819619 家具在melb caufild附近... 阅读全文
Going overseas sale, prices negotiable: 1)IKEA GRANAS Coffee table (black) (咖啡桌/茶几)------$50 118 cm * 78 cm * 49 cm Available at: http://www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/00073299 2)IKEA TV Bench (white) (电视柜)---$40 149 cm * 55 cm * 35 cm 3)TV(电视机)- Brand: TEAC, Flat screen, 21’’ (with remote)-------$120 4)Conia 5kg heavy duty washin...... 阅读全文
9成新冰箱~296L容量~便宜实惠 只售350~原价800+...(SOLD) 茶几跟新的一样~卖150~原价400+.. 阅读全文
收购 一些2手家具.. 冰箱 洗衣机 微波炉. 还有餐桌.. 和 电脑桌... 希望带图片和价钱 发到油箱 Please leave you message 阅读全文