十分廉价!!! 因为搬家关系,现有1个小书桌(白)+一个约1.5m书架(白蓝色)一个+同色拐角书架一个(与书架同一款式,可置于房间拐角,节省空间)+一个可放衣服等的柜子(白,带抽屉)= 总共$50 不包运费 Yuki:0433557798 东西在Mt. Waverly区,离Homesglen Chadstone校区约10分钟车程 先到先得!~... 阅读全文
现出售沙发床一张 折叠后是沙发,放平是一张双人床 宜家出品 九成新 因本人要回国,所以将其卖出 原价$287.现价$180 买来至今只用过两个月 有意者可与我联系 电话:0425719986 联系人:Derek... 阅读全文
铁质书架:35 大办公椅:30 呼啦圈(大,有按摩功能):10 衣架(挂衣服,不是晾衣服)25 鞋架:10 不送货,请自提, 地址:528/SWANSTON STREET 需要图片发到 Please leave you message Tel: 0423674688 ... 阅读全文
全新的简洁玻璃餐桌,附加4把椅子才$80, 洁白的长方形茶几,$25 还有婴儿的changing table,你也可以当架子来用,只要$40 所有的东西available on 14 June, 有意者可来电至 0401742523,最好在6点以后打 或者可以发e-mail给我... 阅读全文
A classic Melbourne piano of great condition for sale. Since I have to move to a small place which does not have enough place for my piano, I am looking for a person who loves music and piano to become this piano\\\\\\\'s new onwer. It has been taken very good care of and I have had it tuned for twice during the last year.The keyborad is new and clean, no scratch or stain or anything. Th...... 阅读全文
IKEA single bed plus Matress 九成新 $60, 1.7m bookcase 九成新 $40, study desk 九成新 $20, chair 九成新 $10, IKEA storing unit(32cm*55cm*30cm) 九成新 $10, 1.5m shoe storing unit 九成新 $10, dinning table $10, 1.6m*1.5m 直立晾衣架 $5, IKEA storing box $5 ...... 阅读全文