
你好,我是来自哈尔滨的男孩,我曾就读于哈尔滨师范大学艺术学院动画专业,现在RMIT就读动画专业 曾执教于哈尔滨青年宫鲁迅美术学院附中考前班 实习于哈尔滨电视台广告部和艺术中心 曾在清华美院 中央美院 北京林业大学 哈尔滨师范大学考前班培训 教学范围: 儿童 成人 老年人       素描 简笔画 儿童画 中国画 中国传统民间艺术(剪纸 泥塑) 费用:   每小时30 或面议 联系方式: ...... 阅读全文



信息内容 中小型搬家,机场接送,货物运送. 价格:搬运$30/小时起 ( 起步两小时 ) 机场接送,$50起. 本人新购FORD transit 容量超大, 非常适合为拥有大量行李的服务.如果您在需要用车之日的前1天内预约. 欢迎来电 Ben 0412204343 email Please leave you message ... 阅读全文


搬家急售 Melbourne Clayton (可负责运送)...

搬家急售单人床,烘干机,洗衣机,家庭影院设备 单人床及床垫 质量好9成新 $100 9成新5.1家庭影院设备 全套音箱,放大器,电缆及说明书。附赠电视柜。$400 http://photo.163.com/photos/maninclayton/146613129 Hoover 5.0KG Dryer 很少使用,状况良好。工作正常除控制面板上灯显示有问题。半卖半送。$30 http://photo.163.com/photos/maninclayton/146776389 Kelvinator2 400L NoFrost Kelvinato...... 阅读全文


Big Sale 沙发,床,书桌...

售家具,电视,床,沙发,冰箱,书桌等。 * Ikea Queen bed with mattress, 4 mths only, barely used, $350 * Queen size matress, VGC, $80, * Queen size matress, VGC, $120, * Queen size base $40, very good and solid, only a water stain at one corner. * Single Matress , $40/$60, * Micro Wave & Rice Cooker, $15 each, could be free with other purchase * Leather sofa *2 $100 ono ...... 阅读全文


Big Sale 沙发,床,书桌...

售家具,电视,床,沙发,冰箱,书桌等。 * Ikea Queen bed with mattress, 4 mths only, barely used, $350 * Queen size matress, VGC, $80, * Queen size matress, VGC, $120, * Queen size base $40, very good and solid, only a water stain at one corner. * Single Matress , $40/$60, * Micro Wave & Rice Cooker, $15 each, * Leather sofa *2 $100 ono  所有物品图片及价格请到http:/...... 阅读全文


Clock and 2 frames

1 IKEA alarm clock and 2 frames (pictures) for AUD5 call: 0448 989 352 阅读全文


Kitchen boxes/containers

Boxes for food to put in the fridge or freezer. More than 20 boxes of different size (from very small to big )for only 5 dollars! EXCELLENT CONDITION call: 0448 989 352 阅读全文


TV and/or night table

IKEA TV and/or night table for AUD20 COLOR: black On rolls EXCELLENT CONDITION pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ Please leave you message/ call: 0448 989 352 阅读全文


computer KEYBOARD + mouse

computer KEYBOARD + mouse NEW !! only AUD10 call: 0448 989 352 阅读全文


TV or night table

TV or night table, IKEA black, on rolls. AUD20 EXCELLENT CONDITION ! pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ Please leave you message/ 阅读全文