〖墨尔本〗【启程搬运】,大小型搬...... 留言信息
lily 2008-11-08 澳大利亚
hi,I need to go from Relowe cres to Mercy hospital(Heidelberg),every 2 weeks ,How much ?Could you give me a good price for that?Thanks.
lily. 0432 201 904 (optu
joanne 2008-06-25 澳大利亚
hi, i live in bundoora (takes 30 minutes to the airport) i have to leave at 5 in the morning on 1st of July. How much is it?
Jessica 2008-04-11 中国
josy 2008-04-08 中国
刘妍 2008-03-24 中国
你好!我和我同学2个人4.11号早上7点到墨尔本,已经找到房子了,地址是:4 Shirley Avenue Glen Waverley Victoria 3150。请问你的接机收费情况?