〖墨尔本〗【启程搬运】,大小型搬...... 留言信息
jin 2011-09-24 澳大利亚
我要在10月3日搬家, 从coburg 到coburg, 5 mins 路程。 行李有冰箱,洗衣机,大床垫2个,很多行李和生活用品。 从townhouse 搬到apartment 2楼, 请问大概多少钱。
leslietsz 2011-04-29 澳大利亚
about airport service on 09/06/2011
hi, i am going to depature from melbourne in june and i would like touse your pick up service. i am currently living in clayton and may iknow what is the best price you can offer? if it sounds great, i willuse your service when i come back in june, i will also introduce your service to some of my friends as they need help for the pick up.
叶先生 2011-04-19 中国
你好!我现在在中国。我想在6月下旬搬回墨尔本家。从meadow heights到roxburgh park,约7公里。两个卧室的家具,一个双人沙发,冰箱,洗衣机,彩电,餐桌,椅子,还有十几个包袱,等等。请问:用什么车可以一次运完?要搬运工吗?共要多少钱?谢谢 !
xie 2011-04-04 澳大利亚
你好,请问从Northcote 到footscray的价格是多少?行李就是2个箱子,一些生活用品。谢谢
Yolanda 2011-03-23 澳大利亚
请问从Glen Waverley 搬去Southern Cross正对面,周转箱10来个,一个210cm高100cm左右宽的书架,另外两个行李箱。这样子大约是多少钱?