【接送包车服務】 黃金海岸布里斯...... 留言信息
黃先生 2016-06-16
Miss WONG 2016-04-13
Hi, pls quote your best price for below two trips.
3 person
1) 12/8/2016 after 2pm from Mantra Circle on Cavil to Clandulla cottage
Mantra Circle :9 Ferny Avenue, Surfer Paradise
Clandulla Cottage, 312 boyland
2) 14/8/2016 10:00am From Clandulla Cottage to Goldcoast airport (flight depart at 12:00noon)
Thank you
Mr. Shan 2015-12-14
12月21日下午2:30到,布里斯班机场到Next Hotel Brisbane. 3个大人两个小孩,多少钱?谢谢。
Guy Wong 2015-11-18
25/12 from gold coast srders paradise to clandulla cottage (boyland), 3 person
27/12, from clandulla cottage to goldcoast airport, 3 person
Edwin Hui 2015-07-18 香港
請問悉尼機場去Travelodge Hotel Macquaria North Ryde, 4個成人和4個行李箱,價錢多少?
Edwin Hui