悉尼专业搬家公司,悉尼搬家公司...... 留言信息
Chiho 2016-08-14
Vivian Liu 2013-05-30 澳大利亚
下周日6月9号搬家,hurstville-campcies 家具不是很多,大沙发、冰箱、洗衣机已卖掉了,还有些家电和装好的箱子需要有人搬,(二房一厅),家里没有帮手。请电话联络并报价,谢谢。
Richey Fan 2013-05-07 澳大利亚
I would like to move within Carlingford at 2pm, 9th May (Thursday). The items include refrigerator, washing machine, beds (splited), tables, chairs, teatables, sofas and some other things.
Please contact with asap.
cathleen 2013-04-14 澳大利亚
I would like to move a piano and double bed matress from Pyrmont to Rosebery during weekends. How much will it be?
Thank you.
Cong Chen 2013-01-15 澳大利亚