墨尔本机场接送,找房帮助,包车旅...... 留言信息
Cindy SZE 2012-01-24 香港
snowy 2011-11-12 澳大利亚
你好 我想问一下 寄存行李12周+2天是大概多少钱? 从12月20日开始到12年的2月14日。行李是打个两到三个蛇皮袋那种的行李袋子
Jersey Tang 2011-10-15 澳大利亚
kenneth 2011-09-11
你好,我計劃由22/10/2011 開始寄放行李大約20周,行李有一個紅白藍大袋,兩個細袋,一個箱子,大概多少錢(需上門取貨及送貨)?
leslietsz 2011-04-29 澳大利亚
about airport service on 09/06/2011 hi, i am going to depature from melbourne in june and i would like touse your pick up service. i am currently living in clayton and may iknow what is the best price you can offer? if it sounds great, i willuse your service when i come back in june, i will also introduce your service to some of my friends as they need help for the pick up.