粉红色Dell Inspiron 545台式电脑连19显示器
价钱 Price:AUD $550 (negotiable)<br/><br/>
规格 Spec:<br/>
型号:Inspiron 545<br/>
颜色 Color:Flamingo Pink front bezel<br/>
处理器 CPU:Pentium(R) E5400 (2.70GHz, 800FSB, 2MB)<br/>
内存 RAM:3GB DDR2 800MHz<br/>
硬盘 HDD:500GB SATA 2<br/>
液晶显示器 LCD:Dell IN1910N 18.5\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Widescreen Flat Panel Monitor<br/>
作业系统 OS: Windows 7 Home Premium<br/>
其他 Others:Office 2007 Home & Student OEM, Dell Mouse, Dell Speaker & Keyboard Set, Homemade Monitor Cover<br/><br/>
物件状况 Condition:Used for 2.5 years, still functioning very well, no damage and scratches<br/>
联络 Contact:Find Abbie on 0424649191 or send email to Please leave you message />
其他资料 Other Information:We are selling other items with a good price!! Please visit http://goodthingstosell.wordpress.com/ for more information<br/>