wholesale lv chanel chloe bag handbag-92
We produce and wholesale Top Quality replicas of Tiffany jewelry and handbags of the following brands: CHANEL, LV, BALENCIAGA,GUCCI, HERMES AND CHLOE.
LV material:
1. Surface: Louis Vuitton specialized colour changing leather. The colour will change over time and will also change with water.
2. Accessories: Louis Vuitton original product number and instrument.
3. Other: the veins and patterns exactly match the genuine.
CHANEL material:
1. Leather: imported first class sheep skin in fantastic handle.
2. Tailoring: tidy and standard.
3. Metal: high quality metal with long term shine
4. Accessories: quality card, product reference number, care card, dust bag and gift bag.
1. Leather: imported leather with high luster and nice feel, available in various colors.
2. Tailor: tidy and standard.
3. Metal: high quality metal with long term shine.
4. Accessories: quality card, product reference number, care card, dust bag and gift bag.
GUCCI Material:
1. Main material: GUCCI specialized surface, waterproof, heat-resistant. Black material is reflective.
2. Leather: high quality imported leather.
3. Zip: high quality imported GUCCI zip.
4. Metal: GUCCI specialized metal.
5. Under Layer: waterproof, floss cloth, canvas.
6. Accessories: quality card, product reference number, care card, dust bag and gift bag.
Our products have wide sales and win the love of the customers from the UK, America, Denmark, Canada, Japan, Korea, etc. We are the top wholesaler of
famous brand name replicas, which include LV, GUCCI, CHANEL, CHLOE, BALENCIAGA, etc. Over 95% of the materials are exactly the same as the genuine and
all the products are produced with elaborate technique. We are looking for the most fashionable styles to ensure your good sale, and we guarantee the
quality and stability of stock resources. In addition, we will take responsibility for safely exporting the products through Chinese CIQ.
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