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$30 computer accounting using MYOB business software 12th ed. Neish Kahwati http:mhhe.com/au/myob18
$30 Australian Financial accounting 5th Ed. Craig Deegan
$30 Performance measure & control system for implementing strategy Robert Simons (with Highlights)
$40 for both Fundamental Tax legislation 2009 R L Deutsch + Principle of taxation law 2009 C Coleman et al.
$5 Organisational behaviour study pack
$18 HP DeskJet D2400 Colour inkjet printer, can print photo, in very good condition, with installation disk and accessories
$35 HP DeskJet F4280 All-in-one Colour inkjet printer + Scanner, in very good condition, with installation disk and accessories
$3 printing paper 1 pack unopened
$15 Heater almost new
$5 each Microsoft mouse 1 / Toshiba mouse 1, all 80% new, in good condition
$10 Table Lamp + light bulb x 2
$10 Phillip Hair Drier few scratches on surface
$7 The body shop Aroma oil burner + a pack of small candles Slight burn mark on the burner

$5 求医不如求己2
$5 新东方 GMAT 写作高分速成 - Argument
$5 新东方 GMAT 写作高分速成 - Issue
$5 新东方 GMAT 数学高分快速突破
$5 新东方 GMAT 语法改错精解
$8 新东方 GMAT 逻辑推理-分类思维训练及真题解析
$8 全新暖宝宝两包,可贴式,每包10片
$5 未拆封Quilton 厕纸一包 8 roles
$15 锅碗瓢盆、餐具炊具若干 (苏泊尔不粘锅 菜刀等)
$30 刚刚购入的单人被子一床,枕头一个,靠垫2个,被套床单等
$8功夫茶茶具一套:杯子4个 茶壶 公道杯 茶笔 茶勺 茶夹 不锈钢过滤漏网
$10爱尔康隐形眼镜液两瓶一大一小 + 润眼液一瓶,大瓶未拆封,小瓶拆封但未打开过,润眼液未拆封。上个月购于澳洲,可单卖,日期新鲜。
$7 新乐敦眼药水一瓶,全新未拆封,购于香港,日期新鲜。
$1each各类笔芯、水性笔、highlighter 等文具
$5 each我的美丽日记 吸油面纸 x2全新未拆封
$30 (7片) 强生隐形眼镜 舒澈 月抛 250度 275度 各7片

请邮件联系yu_neptune-1 (at) yahoo.com.cn

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