

2015-04-11 圣何塞/san jose,美国 留言

本人普渡大学在校学生,男,不抽烟不酗酒,生活作息安静整洁。暑假在Samsung headquarter实习,地址为85 Nicholson St,想找合租,上下班坐公车能在50分钟之内。偏向独立放假,能够互相不打扰,价格希望在1000美元一下。谢谢!联系方式:732-770-1813,平时上课,最好短信,也可加微信:1136590589

I am a full time student at Purdue University, male, having an internship between early May and August. I do not smoke or drink. Looking for a place to live with 50 minutes of bus to work which the address is 85 Nicholson St. Prefer single room so that we don't disturb each other. Thank you. Contact: text 732-770-1813

  • 小提示:联系我时,请说是在Move2Rent.com上看到的,谢谢!

房间: -    卫生间: - 房型:房型不限

入住时间:2015-05-11  租用种类:分租
