
加拿大高校学者将于明年2月至8月到波士顿MIT做交换学者, 需要近地铁一房间. A CANADIAN UNIVERSITY SCHOLAR

2011-10-30 波士顿/Boston,美国 留言

加拿大高校学者将于明年2月至8月到波士顿MIT做交换学者, 需要近地铁一房间. 希望有靠地铁房源提供的人士与本人联络并告知地址和邮编. 本人将于11月初前来Boston看房并确定. QQ号为406653571. Tel: 514-9457198 (9:00 - 21:00)

A Canadian university scholar is coming to Boston to do exchange program at MIT, therefor a room close to a subway is needed. Those have have a room available close to a subway station, please contact me and tell me the address and post code. I will be at Boston to visit the room and decide early November. My QQ=406653571. Tel: 514-9457198 (9:00 - 21:00)

  • 小提示:联系我时,请说是在Move2Rent.com上看到的,谢谢!

房间: 1    卫生间: - 房型:房型不限

入住时间:2012-02-01  租用种类:分租
